Friday, March 4, 2011

The Most Important Goal: Have a Plan!

Most people decide to start working out and changing their eating habits without really knowing exactly what they want. Whether it be a wedding, a reunion, health reasons, or to make someone need to have a plan. You need to know if you're making progress in your workouts and not just going through the motions.

Keep your rest periods short so that you're able to get through your workouts in 30-40 minutes. If your workouts take longer than that, then you need a new plan.

Look around the next time you're in the gym. Chances are that loads of folks are in there running their mouths and connecting on Facebook. Don't fall into that category. Get in. Workout. Get out. You don't need to spend the majority of your time working out. Life is too damn short.

1 comment:

  1. You’re absolutely right!!! Temporary fixes is just that, Temporary!!! I know from experience, I‘ve tried everything from Atkins, to the cabbage soup diet, they don’t work!!! What does work is getting up off the sofa and actually doing a workout, or taking a brisk walk. But don’t stop there be consistent. The guys at the gym always say hey wait where you going you just got here? I’m like my workout is over, it doesn’t take all that to get in shape!! Ya’ll in here Bojanging I have kids and a life! I’m 45, my Beyonce days are over, I workout for my heart, to look good in my clothes and to keep up with my middle school age daughters. Nothing more nothing less!!
